Elevated Retreats

For Personal Brands


Elevated Retreats

For Content Creators


Elevated Retreats

For Community Leaders

venue sourcing

We help you find the perfect venue

From beachfront villas to boutique hotels and cozy resorts, we'll find the perfect venue for your retreat. We're all about getting to know your style and needs, so we make sure every detail is just right.

Whether you're planning a wellness retreat or a brand workshop, we’re here to help you choose a spot that matches your vision and makes your retreat unforgettable.

Retreat design

We handle all of the retreat planning. 

We create personalized itineraries, organize menus and activities, and take care of the details like ground transportation and vendor selection. Plus, we’ll manage communication with your attendees.

From securing the ideal venue to crafting custom menus and incorporating unique touches that make your event memorable, we’ve got everything covered.

Onsite coordination is also available upon request.

meet the founder

Gabrielle June

A travel and retreat planner with a flair for curated experiences and a love for adventure.

With a decade of experience in project management and event planning, plus eight years living as an expat, I know how to create spaces that inspire connection, growth, and collaboration. To me, retreats are more than just events—they're ultimate opportunities for personal development.

I believe in-person gatherings are more important than ever, and I'm here to help you bring your online audience to life. By combining creativity with strategic planning, I craft retreats that truly make an impact.


host your next retreat

Take Your Brand Offline

Bring Your Community Together

Amplify Your Marketing